I hadn’t seen my good friend Dave Lee in a while and thought I’d connect with him via email today. When I was finished typing, I realised that it would make an excellent update on this site as well – so let’s have a look at “What’s happening in Jay’s Life” 🙂
With many of my friends, colleagues and Internet acquaintances getting into blogging, I find it hard to keep track of who’s writing an update and when. With Twitter and Facebook it’s so convenient to scan through the headlines if and when I have the time – hence I’m currently looking for a system that lets me check out my friends blogs from a single interface. I’m sure there are plenty around, but have never looked at any of them. Right now I have to manually type in friend’s websites, use bookmarks or links to check their sites.
I’m thinking that I’d like to build a page that pulls in the first few words of each article via RSS feeds and displays them without archiving them (much like the WordPress Development box in the dashboard). I could utilise Antone Roundy’s excellent CaRP Evolution for this I guess, but maybe there’s something even cooler available (like the WordPress.com dashboard). Watch this space!

Last week I’ve finally taken the time and uploaded some of my Holga shots from Key West last year – they’re now available to buy from the shop (and to watch on Flickr). I’m trying to seize the next couple of “off days” to find more material to add. I must also work on the SEO for the shop – I’ve completely neglected that chapter.

I’ve bid on a new plastic camera on eBay: the Zenit Horizon S3 Pro, a slit-exposure gadget that gives me 24x58mm negatives on 35mm film. It’ll be hilarious to move it around while it’s doing the exposure – and of course it’ll be great to have another plastic gadget to review.
And speaking of plastic photography, I’m very happy to see that not a day goes by without a wonderful comment from the community 😉
Be that a comment, an email or a tweet – it’s much appreciated feedback. I’m trying my best to answer you all. Keep shooting plastic, team!
Apart from all this, I just realised that with 4 days of steady work a week I’m clocking up 40 hours – meaning I’m pretty much doing a full time job with little time for other things. I’m certainly not knocking it, because at this rate I’ll be debt-free by the end of this year. Huzza! I’ve got another two EVS jobs at MTV lined up until the end of March, one being Embarrassing Bodies Live and the other one is Missing Live; and of course the international distribution for English Premier League and ESPN UK keep me very busy at weekends.
Three more website projects are in the pipeline for this year, plus a couple of maybes, and an idea to make those WP e-commerce Shopping Cart Widgets even better.
I’ve also found the time to scan a couple of rolls from my Blackbird Fly TLR, featuring the MTV Digs and Milkshake crew from my regular Wednesday / Thursday appearances in Camden. This is Sprocket Hole Photorgaphy at its finest…
Enjoy responsibly on Flickr or on Facebook 😉