After nearly a year, I finally found the time to get back to work on the Miami Beach Huts project.
Over the last weekend I’ve uploaded all our output to a shiny new website called featuring a shiny new WordPress Theme. Each Beach Hut we shot is featured, with (often too many) supplemental images.
I couldn’t believe how much time has passed since I’ve last updated the site. Life just got busy I guess and there was just no room for Beach Huts. But they’re back now, and swisher than ever might I add: all pictures are colour corrected and we can get to work on the book we always wanted to make. Once that’s done, we’ll look into exhibitions over here and abroad.
The website facelift and inspiration is partly due to an amazing WordPress Theme I found on Graph Paper Press. It’s called MANSION by Chandra Maharzan from Nepal, with some heavy amendments by myself aka The WordPress Guru.
MANSION was originally designed to work with landscape images. Because all the Beach Hut images are portrait, I had to do some serious tweaking – and now it looks like this theme was made for my project. I’ve explained how to amend the theme here.
Another factor that big contributing factor to getting involved with Beach Huts again is this: looks like we won an application for a Green Card. If we get it, it would mean we could move there for as long as we like, work permit and everything. I’ll tell you more about the details very soon.
In the meantime, enjoy the Miami Beach Huts 😉