The other day my copy of Adobe Premiere Pro started exhibiting strange behaviour: new projects opened with four timelines (three of which were always empty), audio never made it to the target track (only ever to track 6) – so I thought, perhaps I’ll reset my preferences.
But how do we do that in Premiere? I was frantically looking for an option in the app but sadly to no avail. A quick search on the internet brought the solution to my troubled (4 year old) Premiere installation which has never let me down before.
It’s really easy actually:
Start Premiere Pro with ALT+SHIFT held down (on Windows), or OPT+SHIFT held down (on Mac).
Worked a treat, and Premiere is its old self again. Just in case this doesn’t work, the preferences are saved i the following locations:
- on Windows: <drive>\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro
- on Mac OS X: <drive>/Users/<username>Library/Preferences/com.adobe.AdobePremierePro.plist
Taken straight from Adobe’s Help Pages: