How to skip the Welcome and Sales Nag Screen in PaintShop Pro

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PaintShop Pro is trying to help new users by giving them lots of choices when the app launches. This gets old fast, especially when you’re being peppered with sales nag screens every time you open the programme. Thankfully there are ways to configure this behaviour, albeit somewhat hidden. Let me show you where.

Removing the Sales Splash Screen

Head over to File – Preferences – General Program Preferences. There’s a section called Miscellaneous, with an option to Disable the Splash Screen.

Skipping the Welcome Screen

You can set your preference for how PaintShop Pro shall greet you under the Tabs section in the same menu. I like mine to display the Edit view.

Saving a new Default Workspace

PaintShop Pro will remember the workspace you’ve last used and load it up on your next launch. If you’ve made customisations to your palettes and their respective placements, save your workspace under File – Workspace. Give it a snazzy name, then close the app. All your changes will be preserved this way.

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