We’ve decided to embark on a little project and let the community submit pictures around a common theme every month. I’m excited to tell you that submissions are now open for the September 2022 WP Guru Community Render Challenge (and yeah, we might want to work on that handful of a name).
This month’s theme: RAIN
It’s hot all over Europe, and who doesn’t enjoy a little cooling down. Give us your best shot at anything from a light drizzle over the countryside, to a thunderstorm over the sea, or a grey rainy evening in your favourite cyberpunk style coffee shop. Let your imagination run wild, and let us know a bit about your process.
Find out what you can submit and everything else you need to know on this page.
If you’d like to participate, drop a link to your image below in the comments and tell us which software you’ve used. I’ll compile a little gallery towards the end of the month so we can all enjoy a little “group exhibition”. I’m looking forward to what we can all come up with for September!
Community Submissions
Animation Submissions
NSFW Submissions
Meet The Winners
With so many great submissions, it was tough to pick
First Prize goes to Matt Castle

Our anonymous sponsor and I fully agree that this is outstanding work: excellent rain effects and character portrayal, she feels genuinely cold in this gloomy weather. Congrats Matt, you win $10 in cash courtesy of our anonymous sponsor, and you get to pick a video game from this list. Well done Sir!
- See more of Matt’s work on his DeviantArt Page
Second Prize goes to Finn Wraae

I’ve picked this image because I love the mood and execution. It tells a story and evokes emotion – and I totally didn’t see the small area of poke through on his arm until the last minute. Fantastic job Finn, you get to pick yourself a video game from this list.
- See more of Finn’s work on his ArtStation Page
Thank you all so much for your wonderful submissions! I hope we’ll see you all again next timeπ
and this one, is a joke on the other.
as you can see she couldn’t hold her pee since Fugazzi’s Luxury train lacks a latrine of some sort. Good thing she could summon the rain to conceal it.
Basically I changed this one for minecraft, I wanted to try to get close to the rain simulation, but it didn’t work out so well! I made it in blender.
Here is my submission for the challenge.
Had produced this a few months ago and thought it would be a great fit. It depicts the confidence one gains after falling and the remnants of a rainfall remain on the ground.
Although an abstract piece I enjoyed using it as a way to learn VDBs and general animation motion in C4d.
Here are some of the components that went into this piece.
Figure: Daz Genesis 8 male
Rendered in: Cinema 4d (Octane)
Animation motion: applied in Mixamo
background: VDB produced in EmberGen
Ground texture: Quixel Mixer
Skin texture: My own Secrete Sauce π
The sound is copyright free so you can use it in your video if you choose to do so.
This is my first submission, and a new one for the competition.
The details are given on the DAZ Studio page, but many years ago I would take the bus into Newcastle, but sometimes walk to save money, and would get caught in the rain. Updating it a little, I looked at three different rain packages, apart from possibly adding it in post, and the Iray Rain seemed best.
I finally have the submissions with Public Links:
Running Man
Samurai Standing
Here is my Rain challenge piece π
Render time about 50 minutes on a 3080ti
Products used:
Kitties are Zeus & Sibirian, in daz before, in rendo store now.
Stonemasons- Abandoned city 1&2 & Rubble 3: Modern Ruins
Post-Apocalyptic World: Car Wreck
Mega Terrain: Swampland
Tiny plants- Mossy Saxifrage (dont seem to be in store anymore)
Instant Rain
This is my submission for the challenge using a wide variety of assets, references and a custom made character!
I got inspired by many different topics, from old childhood and recent games and films I have played and watched, to some streamers in the 3d scene I’ve been watching. I added in some models that are easter eggs relating to childhood memories, from pikachu to R2D2 and used different planes (20 in total) as “posters”!
The initial inspiration came from the Lofi girl on Youtube and the scene was just the environment with the girl and cat, however, I started thinking about more ideas to flesh the scene out as I kept adding as I knew the scene felt very empty even though it isn’t a big room rather a “Gamer’s Den”. π
I would like to mention some of the artists referenced in this piece as I used some of their beautiful art as inspiration that contributed to the final result you see:
WPGuru: http://www.versluis.com – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMhv8E4GMw6erC-9iiYtNFg – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Broken-Bowels-Tales-Super-Survivor/dp/1981003797
Rod Shelley: http://www.rodslair.com – https://www.artstation.com/rod_s (The Girls From TNA)
Chris Cox: https://www.twitch.tv/chrislcox (Bottom right stream playing on the tablet)
csbond2: https://www.twitch.tv/csbond2 (The pool table surface art used under “The Girls From TNA” poster.)
Just Walking in the Rain
Thanks for doing this, I’m excited to see all the entries compiled together!
Below is a link to my submission, created in DAZ Studio with postwork done in Photoshop.
Rain Down
Whoops! Thought I had this posted from the other page. This is a slightly older image, again in DAZ, and while there is only smoke in the “Seven Samurai” by which it was inspired, I had added rain – since it seemed appropriate at the time. I called it Homage to Kurosawa.