Unreal Engine Archives

Articles about Unreal Engine 4 and 5

Damaging Actors with OnTakeAnyDamage in Unreal Engine

I didn’t know about a handy event that can apply damage to an actor, thanks to the OnTakeAnyDamage function. It’s an Event Dispatcher that Actor classes listen to, and if applied from another object, it’s really easy to pass on how much damage happened and also how it was caused. Consider this code plugged into …

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Bringing back the dotted outline in the Widget Editor

Creating my first HUD widget in UE5 was a little disconcerting, as I didn’t see a reference to where any of my UI elements would end up on screen. Turns out there was an invisible default element called Canvas Panel in previous versions, into which we would place our UI elements. Thankfully this thing is …

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How to change the length of a Timeline in Unreal Engine

Timelines are behind a lot of the animation magic in Unreal Engine Blueprints. I’ve been implementing one to make my plants grow on Jay’s Farm, but I needed a functionality that would let me change the duration of my parent timeline with a variable. That way different seeds could grow with different rates. There’s no …

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Creating Depth of Field in Unreal Engine 4

Depth of Field is extremely difficult to judge in Unreal Engine, at least visually in the preview. It’s also a little intimidating to setup, and I don’t mind telling you that it was very difficult for me to grasp the concept. Yet like so many things in Unreal Engine, there is method behind the madness, …

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How to use the Movie Render Queue in Unreal Engine

EPIC have recently introduced something called the Movie Render Queue to aide us in exporting stills and animations from Unreal Engine. The previous method (Movie Scene Capture) was a tad clunky, and is – as we live in such dramatically fast times – already being deprecated. Although Movie Render Queue is working great, it’s not …

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Importing a whole Synty Level from Unreal Engine into DAZ Studio

The other day I thought it would be a hoot to bring in some of the wonderfully modelled low-res Synty Assets and use them together with the high-res characters in DAZ Studio. With access to the source OBJ files this worked out rather well, but it’s a time consuming process importing, shading and saving each …

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Creating soft shadows with Movable Lights in Unreal Engine

I’ve just figured out a small mystery that I thought I’d share with you. It’s about enabling soft shadows in Unreal Engine, specifically with the Movable Light type. It’s the “expensive to calculate” variety, especially when enabling soft shadows. I’d like to use them to get real time good looking shadows for still images and …

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What’s a good configuration for a 3D/Rendering/DAZ Studio computer

I’ve had various requests and discussions with supporters recently about what might be a good configuration for a DAZ Studio and/or rendering computer. It’s a good question, and with so many systems and components on the market, I thought I’d compile this article as a starting point. Feel free to ask specific questions in the …

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Calculating the length of a vector in Unreal Engine

I had to calculate the length of a vector recently, and had no idea where to begin. In my little farm/planting project, I’ve used Line Tracing to plant a vegetable on the floor. However, I needed a limitation as to where the player can plant things. They should not be allowed to plant directly underneath …

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How to use Transparency Maps in Unreal Engine

I’ve imported a mesh model as FBX that was setup with an opacity map. Most of the simple material was created for me by Unreal Engine, but the opacity (transparency) texture was not imported. I had no idea how to do this, but figured it out. Here’s what it should look like and how it …

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Building an Unreal Project for Linux on Windows

Unreal Engine has a nice feature that lets us build distributables (packages) for Linux on a Windows system. It’s a magic known as Cross Compiling. This doesn’t work out of the box, but it’s easy to implement with any Windows version of Unreal Engine. It’s not exactly oblivious how to get started with this magic …

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Basic String Operations in Unreal Engine

Every language has a way to modify strings: add something to the end, search for something in the middle, concatenate two pieces of text, that sort of thing. C++ is no exception, and Unreal Engine exposes that functionality in Blueprint. Let me give you an example: I wanted to find the name of a material …

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Retargeting Synty Characters to the Unreal Skeleton

I’ve recently found a much easier way to use Unreal Guy’s animations with the Synty (Polygon) characters, thanks to TC Mabe’s video (and his other one too). This is an updated version of what I’ve described back in March, something I was never really happy with, nor did I fully understand all steps involved. The …

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How to use a Map Variable in Unreal Engine

I was looking for a way to turn a string value into a Material Instance. I had hoped that Unreal Engine would have a node for that, but alas it does not. Nevertheless, I needed something that like a key/value lookup and came across Map Variables. Those work exactly like a mini-database right inside the …

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How to make a character swim in Unreal Engine (Part 1)

Swimming mechanics are a tad tricky to get going in Unreal Engine. I’ve pieced this information together from various cowboy tutorials on YouTube, in the hope that I’ll be able to reproduce the principles without having to watch them again. In this article I’ll make the Third Person Character swim, letting him slowly drift up …

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Cloth Animations in Unreal Engine

I was surprised to see how easy it was to setup cloth animations in Unreal Engine. It’s as simple as selecting part of a character we’d like to turn into cloth, painting a weight map onto the wafty parts, optionally adjust settings to make the cloth behave the way we want, and Unreal Engine handles …

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Making a character sprint in Unreal Engine

I’ve explained how to make a character crouch in a previous article. We can use the same principle to make him (or her) sprint by setting the Max Walk Speed on our character movement. Let me show you how it works. Just like before we need: a Character (I’m using the First Person Character) an …

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