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How to trace patterns in Marvelous Designer

I’m getting back into MD (and a little CLO too), but it’s been a while since I’ve looked at the app so I’ll have to re-acquaint myself with some of the basics. Tracing patterns from images is one such thing I’ve never quite mastered, not until watching Lori’s new MD course about version 9.5. Here’s …

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Building an Unreal Project for Linux on Windows

Unreal Engine has a nice feature that lets us build distributables (packages) for Linux on a Windows system. It’s a magic known as Cross Compiling. This doesn’t work out of the box, but it’s easy to implement with any Windows version of Unreal Engine. It’s not exactly oblivious how to get started with this magic …

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Basic String Operations in Unreal Engine

Every language has a way to modify strings: add something to the end, search for something in the middle, concatenate two pieces of text, that sort of thing. C++ is no exception, and Unreal Engine exposes that functionality in Blueprint. Let me give you an example: I wanted to find the name of a material …

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Retargeting Synty Characters to the Unreal Skeleton

I’ve recently found a much easier way to use Unreal Guy’s animations with the Synty (Polygon) characters, thanks to TC Mabe’s video (and his other one too). This is an updated version of what I’ve described back in March, something I was never really happy with, nor did I fully understand all steps involved. The …

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How to use a Map Variable in Unreal Engine

I was looking for a way to turn a string value into a Material Instance. I had hoped that Unreal Engine would have a node for that, but alas it does not. Nevertheless, I needed something that like a key/value lookup and came across Map Variables. Those work exactly like a mini-database right inside the …

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How to make a character swim in Unreal Engine (Part 1)

Swimming mechanics are a tad tricky to get going in Unreal Engine. I’ve pieced this information together from various cowboy tutorials on YouTube, in the hope that I’ll be able to reproduce the principles without having to watch them again. In this article I’ll make the Third Person Character swim, letting him slowly drift up …

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Cloth Animations in Unreal Engine

I was surprised to see how easy it was to setup cloth animations in Unreal Engine. It’s as simple as selecting part of a character we’d like to turn into cloth, painting a weight map onto the wafty parts, optionally adjust settings to make the cloth behave the way we want, and Unreal Engine handles …

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Making a character sprint in Unreal Engine

I’ve explained how to make a character crouch in a previous article. We can use the same principle to make him (or her) sprint by setting the Max Walk Speed on our character movement. Let me show you how it works. Just like before we need: a Character (I’m using the First Person Character) an …

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Making a character crouch in Unreal Engine

I’ve just learnt how to let a player character crouch. It’s a little complicated so I thought I’d take some notes in the intricacies. All credit for this goes to Mathew Wadstein and his excellent video tutorial. I’ll explain how to implement the whole process using an interface call, and I’ll show how we can …

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Adding your own Node Graphs in Unreal Engine

Blueprints can get so disorganised over time: the more nodes we add to our Event Graph, the more cluttered and difficult to navigate the screen can get. While there is a way to search for an event across the current class, and there’s the option to split graphs into Functions, there’s also a way to …

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Make a Character walk to a random location in Unreal Engine

I’ve been following EPIC’s Behaviour Tree Quick Start guide and delved into the fascinating world of Blackboards and Behaviour Trees (regardless of the missing u). I thought this way of implementing random walk actions in background characters would come in handy for making the game world come alive. In their example, the behaviour tree is …

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Setting up an auto fire mechanism in Unreal Engine

Auto-fire means that you can keep holding down a button and a gun in your game keeps firing bullets at a pre-determined rate. No matter how a single-fire mechanism is setup, we can modify it to work automatically. In this article I’ll show you how it works. For this example I’m using the First Person …

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How to tag an actor in Unreal Engine

Did you know there’s a way to specify an Actor object by something other than an a reference? I thought this was a handy trick. iOS has a similar “hack”, and it can save your bacon on occasion. Tagging an Actor in Blueprint In the Class Defaults of your actor object, head over to Actor …

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Setting up a simple AI Controller in Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine can make pawns to things, like chase down and follow the player. This is known as AI behaviour, for Artificial Intelligence. It works surprisingly well! Here’s how to set it up – in its simplest form. In principle we have to create an AI controller add the AI controller to the pawn define …

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How to implement a Blueprint Interface in Unreal Engine

Interfaces are a C thing. They’re a set of functions that one class can implement so that an action is performed on another class of a potentially different type. Rather than calling a function explicitly on another class, we’re sending a message. If the receiving class knows what to do with it, it’ll react. If …

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Refactoring complex Blueprint Code into Functions and Macros in Unreal Engine

The beauty of Unreal Engine’s node system is that it’s relatively easy to extend your application code visually. At the same time, this can lead to extremely messy code (literally spaghetti code, considering the amount of noodles on the screen). While such code may be working in the heat of the moment, your future self …

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Where does Premiere Pro 2020 store auto save files

Ever since the past Premiere Pro update, my computer likes to reset itself randomly, particularly during rendering. I should have never hit that update button. Note to self: NEVER update software (or hardware) when everything is working well in principle – no matter how many nags you get. With that mishap on my hands, I …

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How to bring back Legacy Shapes in Photoshop

My friends at Adobe have done it again: remove frequently used features from Photoshop and replace them with stuff nobody has ever asked for. Case in point: the terrible default shapes that we’ve had (and disliked) for the last 30 years. I recently made the mistake of updating Photoshop, with the intention of drawing a …

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