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Simon from Poser: 3D Animation gone bad

Here we have my good buddy Simon – he’s one of the default figures that comes with Poser. I accidentally added two animation imports on top of each other which wasn’t so good for his hip. It looked rather amusing as he twists out of it so I thought I’d post this. It’s also my …

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Objective-C: The Final Frontier

It’s been a tough couple of days with my head spinning and – as my wife says – me being not very happy. This is because every book i read about iOS developing appears to be hopelessly out of date. My fault for wanting to get my hands dirty with bleeding edge shenanigans.

Book No. 1 “iPhone Apps for Absolute Beginners” is written really well, however 9 out of 10 examples don’t work. Outdated code, code not reprinted properly, instructions are for Xcode 3, you name it. There’s only so much frustration you can take until you put this to one side and look elsewhere.

Book No. 2 “Teach Yourself iPad Apps” started out a bit tough, but now that I’ve got my head buried deep in this matter sounds more promising by the minute. At least: the examples work, even if they’re based on Xcode 3 too. The author was nice enough to include an updated Xcode 4 chapter on his homepage.

Frustration and agony to one side, let me share with you the exciting things I have managed to build these past few days.

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My first Test App: “How ya’ll doin?”

It’s exciting times here at the hacking front: I’ve deployed several test apps today and had a closer look at Xcode 4.1 – the latest coding environment for iOS and Mac.

After having spent most of the day downloading and installing Mac OS X “Lion” I found out the hard way that Xcode 4.02 was no longer working… so I had to download that as well. Once it was all working I found no major changes had been made in the software other than a spurious error message because I didn’t sign up for the Mac Developer programme and some library couldn’t be downloaded. Let’s ignore this message, shall we?

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iOS Development: Let the journey begin

It’s only been 4 weeks since I’ve bought my first ever Apple product. We now have SIX in our household and my ISP has just informed me that I’m now downloading over 40GB per month (and should really pay more). I have to admit: iPad, iPod Touch and Apple TV have forever changed our lives for the better.

So much so that last week I went out and bought myself a Mac Book Pro for one simple reason: I want to write iOS Apps. For those of you who don’t know it’s the stuff you can download and run on your iPhone and iPads. Should have jumped on this project a year ago when I had a hunch that this could potentially be super cool.

Getting my teeth into this will be a challenge beyond belief, and I thought it would be a nice idea to jot down my progress here. I’ve done this with the WP Guru site where I write down notes so I can remember a few weeks later (I have a short attention span you know…). I shall call this category iOS Dev Diary.

Let me start by telling you all about what I want to do and why I’m doing it.

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Freehand Sketch

I’ve tried out two new apps here: the first one is Procreate, a drawing app for iPad. It’s up there with SketchBook Pro and Brushes (which I haven’t tried yet). Procreate is a very nice and fairly simple drawing programme with high-res canvases and unlimited undo functions. It has a very cool smudge tool and …

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Shading Exercise

I remember the very fist lesson in Art Academy on the Nindento DS is to draw a circle, turn it into an apple and apply basic shading. It’s been a while since I’ve looked at it and I tried to recreate it from memory – here’s the result. I need a lot more practice to …

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Racist Bug

We found this weird looking bug lose to the beach one day and took some pictures. An orange thing with black spikes sticking out – an amazing creation. When I looked into the custom Sketchbook Pro brutes I found EXACTLY that bug! Wonder what he’s called and if he’s still alive…

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Sketch of Aimee Morakot

I’ve only just started using Sketchbook Pro for iPad and I love it! I’m trying my hand at many retrace and freehand sketches. This picture of Miss Thailand Universe came up in the popular section on Instagram. I loved the moody shot of a figure and thought this would be a great drawing exercise. I …

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The VIENETTA Challenge – Part 2

Ray was kind enough to give me a statement on how his preparation for the biggest ice cream eating contest in the known universe are coming along. He also talks about portion sizes and that his plan is to eat SIX packets. Shot using the 8mm HD app.

National Grid: They know how to wire up the lights

Recently, the National Grid have torn down a couple of buildings around the corner from us in an old industrial estate. They want to build a tunnel for some more electricity cables to ensure future supply in our neighbourhood. Every month they seem to overtake yet another building, which leads me to believe they’re actually …

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The VIENETTA Challenge – Part 1

Ray and Andy had this silly idea after lunch: which one of them could eat more VIENETTA? Find out in the biggest ice cream eating competition on Brighton Beach, coming this fall. Sponsored by Wall’s. I actually did this a few days ago and forgot to post it here. Shot shortly before we split that …

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Shelf Life, Episode #467 – starring BEN GAY

I discovered Ben on a packet of pain medicine at Walgreen’s. Him and his mate (also called Ben Gay) could have the most amazing conversations I thought. Then I discovered Halftone which turns photos into stylised images and let’s you add speech bubbles and captions. There are several apps that do this – let’s see …

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Harinezumi in my Hand

I wanted to use the original picture as a product shot for my Harinezumi review but I felt it didn’t look quite right. However this morning I found an app called Pencil vs Camera which turns your pictures into pencil sketches – and it does a really good job at it. As an added gimmick …

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Palm Tree

I shot this on Harinezumi in Miami, it was originally a blurred shot of a Palm Tree in macro mode. It works great as a desktop background (see below). I took it into Sketchbook Express to have a fiddle and I loved playing with it so much that I decided to upgrade to the Pro …

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Bench Sketch

This was originally an Instagram picture by Rick Stillwell. I loved it and thought this would make for some great pencil drawing practice in SketchBook Pro. See Rick’s fabulous original picture here.

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Every Man, Woman and Child

Ever since I tried Art Acedemy for Nintendo DS I thought wouldn’t it be great to have a tool like that with a bigger screen and more drawing controls? Like the professionals have? Like a Wacom Tablet with a built-in screen? It appears to have arrived as an app for the iPad – and it’s …

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My personal Harinezumi 2+++ Review

A few months ago I took a wander around town with my friend Andy Toms, and we happened upon the temporary Photographer’s Gallery not far from Warren Street.

Spontaneous as I am I spent a rather shocking amount of money on a tiny little plastic camera called The Digital Harinezumi 2+++

This little piece of cheap engineering is a 3MP digital camera that’s meant to take “bad” pictures and apply off-the-wall lo-fi effects on the fly. Anything from harsh black and white to over-saturated colours is what you get for £140. Did I mention it does video too?

I’ve fallen in love with it and due to its small size keep carrying it almost everywhere I go. I haven’t experienced the willingness to take digital pictures with any other digital camera. In fact, Zumi feels and behaves like a plastic film camera!

Now that I’ve spent some time with her I can show you some funky results and talk you through the ins and outs of my first every digital plastic camera.

Most images on this page are shot using the Vivid 1 setting - just like this one. No processing was done, all pictures are straight from the camera.

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Half Spoon Sugar

Even though this packet of sugar claims it’s OK for another two years at least, it has “Made in 1965” written all over it. I took this picture with the iPad camera in bright sunlight and then added a Rich Lauren effect via Classic Toy. I liked it so much that I did it AGAIN …

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The Message in a Watermelon and Sunglasses

I’ve shot some video with my Harinezumi camera when we were in Miami a few weeks ago, and I finally got round to editing it. Julia even dusted off my old electric piano so I could give it a personal soundtrack too.

This video has a bit of a story which I’ll explain below – it has to do with a watermelon I found one morning at the beach. It was battling against the tide so I stepped out and rescued it.

Turns out it there was a MESSAGE inside…

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iPad – WiFi tethered vs native 3G Connection Test

When I first bout my iPad I went for the cheap and cheerful approach: Who needs 3G when you have an unlimited data plan on your phone?

You can use a tethering app to create a WiFi Hotspot everywhere and use your WiFi iPad at much lower cost than shilling out on the extra 3G functionality and a separate data plan.

Those were my thoughts. Within the first week I was already missing the 3G I’ve come to love from my Kindle: mental freedom, access the web anywhere I am, from a park bench to a train. Still, I had my trusty Nokia N900 phone and the Joiku Hotspot app to make it work in theory.

There are however practical issues I hadn’t anticipated like very limited battery life on my phone and much lower connection speeds. Consequently I’ve upgraded to the 3G version and in hindsight wish I had bought that one in the first place.

In this article I’ll show you some tests that compare the connection speed between my tethered connection and the built in 3G connection. The results are surprising!

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Fake Polaroid Portrait

I’ve shot this with the Retro Cam app, consequently used to yearbook myself (see previous post). I find it remarkable to see how much this picture looks like an actual Polaroid: look at the sightly discoloured edges around the picture, this is what happens when the developer paste can’t squeeze underneath the white foil. It’s …

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I’ve yearbooked myself

My colleagues at MTV have shown me this app over a year ago and I just remembered it. Now that I’m on the iSide I can finally start exploring all the crazy goodies people have been talking about for years.

This venture started with a picture I took on the iPad using Retro Camera, and app that I’ll talk about in detail another time. It just happened to be in my camera roll, so I used it in Yearbookyourself.

You can adjust the rotation and contrast of the picture and preview it live, tweaking until you’re happy. How many people’s yearbooks have they been through I wonder? And what do the people think whose faces have been photoshopped out?

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Woody with Sprockets

Here’s a picture of Woody with his pink scarf. We discovered the Urbian Retro Cam app yesterday – I particularly love the sprockets it puts in the picture, you get this when you shoot in Pinhole mode.