Although a few days old already, I’d like to share my latest website project with you: give a warm welcome to As the titlle suggests, it’s a website featuring the latest news from Broadcast, Entertainment and TV – in short, the industry I’ve built an almost 20 year old carrer on. It’s a superb tool to catch up on the latest developments and appear extremely well informed, The fascinating bit though is that this website is ALIVE!
New Idea:
I’ve just has this great new idea for a brand new art project: Yeah Right! Let me tell you all about it hot off the press: There’s something very wrong with our society – most of it concerns stupid messages around town. We’re plastered with things like “go to Canada” or “watch this programme” or …
There’s nothing like putting an old greasy waste product on a £600 scanner, pressing a button and calling it “art”. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to a brand new series right here on CRISP PACKETS. As the name suggests, I’ve collected empty packets of crisps (or chips for non-UK residents) and make them available as …
Changelog on Broadcast News
I’ve just added a Changelog to Broadcast News, to remind me of all the hard work I’ve been putting in every day since January. It’s still not where I want the site to be, but it’s certainly getting there. Have a look at the new addition here: Great news on the Twitter Front though: …
New Laptop from Apple
The Onion. TV as it should be.
Broadcast News is now on Twitter
I’m pleased to announce that Broadcast News is now available on media darling Twitter. Stay in touch with the latest developments while keeping up with friends and other industry news. Every time the site is updated, we’ll tweet you – and if you like the headline, you can read more on our site (or even …
New Idea: Bringing back the Answer Phone
My friend sent me an audio message the other day using Quick Voice. Don’t we all miss the old “coming home to check the answer phone” days? One thing that has always fascinated me was the excitement that you didn’t know if there was a message or not. Since retro is the new black, I …
New Idea: Chargekill
I just had this great idea for a (yet ficional) gadget called CHARGEKILL. Imagine you had this device that goes between your charger and your socket. You’d have one device per charger, be that iPod, mobile, bluetooth headset, you name it. It cuts the power automatically once your appliance has stopped charging, hence saving energy. …
Migration: NEW SERVER
Looks like the migration is complete, and you’re now looking at files from the new server. Nice!
As announced earlier this year, I’ve just finished working on my latest project As the title suggests, the site is featuring all our work around Light Paintings which used to live here exclusively in previous years: Fresh Images, Press Coverage, and a brief guide on How-To-Lightpainting. If you’re missing the old Flash interface from …
Loft London image featured in Broadcast Now
I’m very happy to see one of my images being published in the British trade magazine Broadcast Now. Written by Will Strauss, the article talks about a new traffic management system for digital media assets. When Loft London started their website last year, I was called in to take pictures of their interior, the exterior …
MUST SEE: Pinhole Photography
You have got to have a look at Justin Quinnell’s amazing Pinhole Photography. He takes pictures around the Bristol area, with exposure times of up to SIX MONTHS with absolutely fabulous results. His work is featured in an upcoming movie called “The Brothers Bloom” starring Rachel Weisz as pinhole photographer. Justin has plenty of tutorials …
Razor Test: Gillette Fusion vs. Excel
I’m passionate about my Gillette Fusion Razor, which glides over my face using 4 blades at a time. And it looks very futuristic. Nice! I’m pleased to be in the company of Therry Henry, Roger Federer and the other guy. But when I got up this morning at 15:43, with a slightly longer than usual …
Stock Library is Open for Business
I’ve finished the testing and am proud to announce: the Cloud-TV Stock Library is now Open for Business! If you would like to purchase Cloud-TV footage, you can do so right here from the site. Head over to the Buy Footage tab, pick the clips you want, checkout with PayPal, and downlaod the material within …
Recycled: ÜGEHOLM returns!
Every now and again, I feel the need to connect with my mother language and say things I can only say in German (usually in a very dark and sarcastic, yet very perosnal manner). It’s fun to read though, and a completely different writing personality from what I would write in English. Hence I’ve built a new outlet for this personality, a site called GESELLSCHAFTSKRITIK (translates into “Social Cristsicm”).
How to save the British Banking System
How to save the British Banking System
I was discussing the British economy with my colleague Andy the other night, and we both agreed that something needs to be done about it. But just moan in fear isn’t our style, so we came up with a very simple plan on how to save the UK from a complete collapse, while each of us citizens will draw the better end of the stick.
Business Cards
Today’s creative project was a Business Card Layout for Oliver Spanuth. I’ve made sure to keep in line with his website layout, again using Carrara Pro to create the 3D caustic glass letters. The backside is a picture of Oliver’s set, which he took on his Nokia mobile phone while shooting a video for San Glaser …
Changes in a brand new 2009
The beginning of a new year is a great way to refresh how life has been going. I’ll take this opportunity to let you in in some of the changes I will implement over the next few weeks. First of all, my website layout will change. As much as I love the Flash based main website …
Sales Cheaters’ Strategy
Ever got a “super sales” offer, bought the product for 30% off, just to find out next week that the product is now 50% off and you’re the SUCKER? Me too. Read on…
2008 – It’s a Wrap!
Every year, I find it helpful and exciting to look back at what has happened over the last 12 months and write it down. Here’s what 2008 has been like for me: January 2008 We started off with our final ever trade show for Light Paintings. Although we didn’t have any new material to show, …