Animation Archives

Animating Clouds with Sky Creator in Unreal Engine

I’ve recently picked up Sky Creator by Dimitry Karpukhin. It gives much more fine-grained control over cloud creation than what I’m used to from Ultra Dynamic Sky. It also contains rain and surface puddle effects. Naturally I wanted to animate the clouds with sequencer and make sure the way the clouds evolve is the same …

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How to show time rather than frames in iClone

iClone only shows a frame-code in the timeline by default, but that’s not helpful in all situations, especially when you’re switching between applications. If you need to make a 40 second clip in iClone, you’ll have to so some calculations we might not have mental energy for. Thankfully there is a (workaround sort of) way …

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How to pick stuff up in iClone

iClone has two concepts of parenting one object to another: Link and Attach. They’re slightly different. Attach is like traditional scene hierarchy parenting and good if you want to marry one object permanently to another (the parent moves, the child also moves). Linking is similar but can be animated for durations, so a bottle on …

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Working with Takes and Shots in Unreal Engine

I’ve previously talked about using Shot Tracks in the UE Sequencer. There’s a related feature called Takes that I’ve just found out about. It can make life easier as you try things out while you work with animations and adds an “alternate” shot that can be swapped out without destroying the original. Each take is …

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How to keyframe Cloud Movement in Sequencer with Ultra Dynamic Sky

By default, Ultra Dynamic Sky calculates cloud movement continuously, no matter if you’re running game mode, simulation mode or if you’re working with a Level Sequence. There is a way to make sure the clouds form the same way as you move the playhead so that we get predictable results in our cinematic keyframe animations. …

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How to fix Sequencer References in Unreal Engine

Sometimes, and despite out best efforts, or as a result of copy/paste actions, actor references in Level Sequences can break. Anything that may have been tracked and properly working last time is shown in white (like the audio above), while things that have broken references are shown in red. It’s annoying when this happens, but …

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How to create Linear Animations in Unreal Engine (Cinematics Workflow Overview)

I’ve finally worked out how to properly create and render animations from Unreal Engine. The concept is very elegant, but also very different from most other 3D applications that I’m familiar with. This threw me on more than one occasion and lead to multiple frustrations, so let me share what I’ve learnt and explain the …

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Displaying an Image Sequence on a Plane in Unreal Engine

Most 3D apps have a concept of 2D planes that can show pre-rendered images and videos. They’re often called billboards, splats or simply image planes, they usually involve transparency and they’re a great way to conserve some rendering power. The principle is used with LODs as well, where usually the lowest LOD is a flat …

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How to get a reference to your Character’s Animation Blueprint in Unreal Engine

Sometimes it’s the simple things that catch you out, like quick references. Say you wanted to access a property on your animation blueprint for something you’re doing in your player character. I couldn’t remember how to do this, so I thought I’d best make a note of it. Here’s how we can do that: This …

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Playing a random Death Animation in Unreal Engine

When a character dies, we can play a death animation either as a montage, or via the animation blueprint. In this quick tip I’ll explain the latter principle. We typically have a boolean (like “is dead”) that checks if the character has died, and it’s true, we’ll transition to a new state in our state …

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Trimming Animation Assets in Unreal Engine

I was trying to implement an Aim Offset the other day and followed a particularly terrible tutorial on the EPIC site that didn’t work out at all. This tends to happen when we try to do something that’s beyond our understanding. One part in particular left me clueless, which is the process of editing animation …

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Making an actor look at another one in Unreal Engine

A few years ago I’ve described how to rotate an actor towards a location with the use of the Lerp node. This thing can interpolate two float values and as such is a very multi-purpose function. I’ve just found out that Unreal Engine has a dedicated “rotation interpolator” node called Rinterp. It takes two rotation …

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Overriding Animations with Animation Montages in Unreal Engine

Animation Montages can be inserted into running animations when we feel something else needs to happen before the previous animation can continue. A good example is weapon recoil that happens as a result of firing a bullet: rather than switching to a completely different animation, we just cut to the montage for a moment before …

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Setting up a Blend Space in Unreal Engine 5.1

Blend Spaces can mix animations together depending on value input. This can be used when say your game pad input determines how fast your character can walk, so that an idle animation is blended together with a walking forward animation. That way there’s no pop between each animation. Let’s take a look how to setup …

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How to re-time animations in Blender

Blender has a very powerful yet somewhat confusing re-timing feature. This comes in handy when you want to render animations at a different frame rate than they were designed to be in. As an example, you may have setup your scene with 24fps in mind, but want to render out a 60fps version, or vice …

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Animating a Slinky in DAZ Studio

I’ve made myself an animated walking Slinky last week! I thought it would be nice to have him join the other figures on my stream overlay. It seems a simple-ish feat to do, but since I’ve built him from scratch in Blender, then rigged and animated him in DAZ Studio, there were quite a few …

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How to create a Controller in DAZ Studio

Controllers are great little helper dials that can perform a number of functions and make our posing/animation life a little easier. They’re akin to Blender’s Drivers, yet implemented very differently in DAZ Studio. The idea is the same though: make one slider do multiple things, and let DAZ Studio calculate interpolated values. Let’s take a …

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Where are the DMC files for Genesis 8

DMC files are used by Mimic and Lip Sync in DAZ Studio to make a figure move lips in response to an audio file. DMC stands for DAZ Mimic Configuration I believe, and each figure generation needs a specific file to make this work. Every figure including Genesis 3 had such a file in a …

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How to access keyframes for morph dials and parameters in the DAZ Studio Timeline

By default, some keyframes in the DAZ Studio timeline just don’t show up. Morph dials and any other options that appear on the Parameters Tab are such culprits. We can see their effect, but not necessarily a corresponding keyframe. I’ve just found out how to make those values how up and thought I’d make a …

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