Blender Articles

Blender is my favourite 3D creation tool. I use it for animations, a bit of modelling, rendering and everything else that needs a quick fix. I love it so much that I’ve been giving monthly donations to the Blender Foundation.

I’ve been using and writing about Blender regularly since version 2.6, but with version 2.8 the interface changed dramatically. For that reason I have two categories:

People in the know expect that the interface will remain the same with 2.9+, but if this turns out to be not the case, I may end up with more categories here. Let’s hope we won’t…

Blender 2.8 (and beyond)

So far I've written 73 articles about Blender on this site.
Here's a huge long list of every single one. If you prefer a view with teaser content and pictures, take a look at the Blender Archives.

Blender 2.79 (and prior)

I've also written 75 articles about Blender 2.79 and previous versions for this site.
Here's a huge long list of every single one. If you prefer a view with teaser content and pictures, take a look at the Blender 2.79 Archives.