Here’s a list of my most recent videos from my main YouTube channel, the latest one is at the top. If you enjoy them, drop by for one of my live streams sometime.

Render with Jay #08: Lighting up the Windows

Render with Jay #07: Even MORE Detail Lights

Render with Jay #06: Environment Detail Lights

Render with Jay #05: Environment Base Lighting

Render with Jay #04: Lighting your Character

Render with Jay #03: Importing a Character from a Blend file

Render with Jay #02: Lighting and HDRI Setup in Blender

Render with Jay #01: Navigation and Camera Setup in Blender

Adobe asked me why Premiere Pro 2025 sucks (so I've showed them)

Lighting and Rendering Characters in Blender: An Overview

Jay Plays Dave the Diver 🤿

Posing Human Figures in Blender

We met a SERVE ROBOTICS delivery bot today 🤖

Jay Plays the original SIMS

Transfer Head Scans to Genesis 9 with Faceform Wrap

In addition to my main channel, I have various other side channels too, all with a different topic and focus. Explore them all if you can’t get enough:
- Jay Versluis – my personal channel
- 3D Shenanigans – my 3D stream archive and a place for tests and animatics
- Jay Plays – my game footage recorder for occasional “proudest moments”
- – cancer research talks and interviews with some of my doctors
- Bei Köln Rechts – my German language channel